Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Not Amazing. Good Enough?

Where did you leave a mark?

I hope I left several marks this past year, although no one thing in particular is standing out.

I hope that I helped my father when he needed me;  I hope my mother noticed.  

I hope that they missed me when I left my old job, and that they rejoiced at my new job.

I hope my dog enjoyed his long walks, and that my cat relished sleeping with me every night.

I hope I entertained and consoled my friends, and that the neighbors appreciated it when I took out the trash.

I try to do the right things.  Is that enough to leave a mark, or do I need to do something more amazing?


  1. You made your mark, and you are there when I need you. I will not forget any of it.

  2. I definitely appreciate having you around, Meg. You've demonstrated once again what "best friend" really means.
